Deja Brew: Why You Should Hold a Fundraiser Again this Year

Deja Brew: Why You Should Hold a Fundraiser Again this Year

Fundraisers are a great way to give back to the society. Supporting a cause has many benefits for your business too and helps you generate revenue. Employee engagement in fundraising activities greatly increases their participation in your business interests. Therefore, organizing large fundraising events, while keeping your employee interests in mind can prove to be really beneficial. 

Coffee wins the hearts of millions of Americans, and if you sell it at your fundraising events, it’s sure to be a great incentive for participation for your employees and will attract public attention as well. People are open to participation in programs that spark their personal interests, and when it comes to coffee, there’s no way you can go wrong with it. 

Below we will discuss why you should hold a coffee fundraiser again this year! 


Many customers choose to support companies based on where they choose to donate and what causes they support. If you sell coffee at your fundraiser, not only will the public want to buy it for its taste, but also because they know their money will be going somewhere worthwhile. If you show your support for education and equal opportunities, which are causes most people believe in, they’ll be more inclined towards your fundraiser and will see your company in a new light.

Their purchases of your products greatly depend on how they feel about you, and if you’ve built an honorable reputation throughout the years, it’s important for you to protect and uphold it. 

Increase in profits 

It’s a no-brainer that Americans love coffee and many can indulge in the drink at any time of the day. Moreover, it was found that 80% of Americans believed that it is extremely important for people to join hands towards a cause promoting positive social change. Hence, when so many people are on board, and if you’ve got the perfect product of their choice, an increase in sales is inevitable. Past research has found that the average American drinks around two cups of coffee daily, and consumption only increases with age. So don’t hesitate to go all out with the coffee ranges you offer! 

Deja Brew: Why You Should Hold a Fundraiser Again this Year

Keep up with trends

Fundraising has been seen as a distinct way to attract attention to your business corporation. Recently, there have been continuing trends in fundraisers that have greatly helped businesses grow in nature and size. Some include increased visual-based eye-catching promotions on social media platforms, the options to make online donations via mobile phones and so on. By giving your fundraiser a digital touch, you’ll take it a level up and give it a contemporary vibe.  

JavaJavaMoola is a coffee fundraising company offering a unique range of coffee to meet your fundraising needs. We’ll help you gain publicity and profits that will support your cause, and you can use our easy online payment system to make your coffee purchase for your next fundraiser. For more, call at (800) 851-9015!